Today is a big day for the entire phpBB community and we hope that you're as excited as we are! With the help of over one hundred volunteers, we have improved and extended phpBB to provide the new and improved phpBB 3.3 Proteus.
The new phpBB 3.3 Proteus builds upon 3.2 Rhea and is a big step towards a more modern base while maintaining a clear update path. It is now shipped with Symfony 3.4, Twig 2, and jQuery 3.4. The improvements include, among others, support for Invisible reCAPTCHA, Argon2i and Argon2id password hashing, improved reset password functionality, and minor changes to the UI.
The minimum supported PHP version has been increased to PHP 7.1.3 while support for PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4 has been added. Fixed security issues in 3.2.9 are part of this release as well.
Check out further highlights of the new version on our Proteus Launch Page or a more detailed breakdown on our Features Page. As always, phpBB 3.3 Proteus and update packages for previous versions are available in the downloads section.
The phpBB community has been working hard to get this release prepared and work on phpBB 4.0 is already underway!
We would like to thank everyone for working hard to make today possible! The following people contributed code to the 3.3 Proteus release: Marc Alexander, Jakub Senko, Tristan Darricau, 3D-I, rxu, Rubén Calvo, javiexin, mrgoldy, kasimi, Oliver Schramm, JoshyPHP, Máté Bartus, Derky, hubaishan, Matt Friedman, Dark❶, David Colón, v12mike, nomind60s, Christian Schnegelberger, Mikel Alejo, amalnaeem, Michael Miday, Alfredo Ramos, EA117, Zoddo, Vishal Pandey, Alec, Louis7777, Vinny, battye, Daniel Sinn, Jim Mossing Holsteyn, Sophist, DSR!, Daniel Mota, Erwan Nader, François-Xavier de Guillebon, GanstaZ, PayBas, Kailey Truscott, Richard McGirr, Soeren D. Schulze, brunoais, jasonmarlin, oxcom, stevendegroote, AJ Quick, Anssi Johansson, Jagoba Los Arcos, KYPREO, MichaelC, Nuno Lopes, Rishabh04-02, Saeed Hubaishan, Serge Skripchuk, abyssmedia, david63, dhruveshk, lavigor, vinny, Agris, Akbar, Alex Miles, Andrii Afanasiev, Casey Peel, Daniel, FH, GerB, Ioannis Batas, Julien Tant, Mukesh Kumar Kharita, Nekstati, Paul Sohier, Sage Pointer, TarantinoMariachi, Toxyy, canonknipser, cclauss, espipj, ftc2, kitsiosk, lr94, luzpaz, scootergrisen, tas2580, upstrocker
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